Glen Burtnik and his band perform a 60’s themed revue at Ocean Casino Resort (Atlantic City) that simply ROCKS…A unique concert experience that’s been rocking the Ocean Casino Resort all summer!
Scott Cronick,The Atlantic City Weekly

The Summer of Love Concert is pretty much perfect gaming-hall entertainment: Engaging, breezy and wisely focused on a crucial demographic group. And LOADS OF FUN!”
Chuck Darrow,The Bettors Insider

At Atlantic City’s Ocean Casino Resort, a killer ensemble and savvy set list featuring beloved standards and “one-hit wonders” make Glen Burtnik’s Summer of Love Concert a MUST SEE for fans of Woodstock-era pop, rock and soul…”
Chuck Darrow ,The Bettors Insider

The Summer of Love Concert is pretty much perfect gaming-hall entertainment: Engaging, breezy and wisely focused on a crucial demographic group. And LOADS OF FUN!”
Chuck Darrow,The Bettors Insider

At Atlantic City’s Ocean Casino Resort, a killer ensemble and savvy set list featuring beloved standards and “one-hit wonders” make Glen Burtnik’s Summer of Love Concert a MUST SEE for fans of Woodstock-era pop, rock and soul…”
Chuck Darrow,The Bettors Insider

So enjoyed you last night at Cain Park (Cleveland Heights, Ohio). We were center stage 4th row, didn't get up and dance but sure enjoyed the ride you took us on with reminders along the way of when we were young like so many in your cast. You could tell you were having fun while working so hard for all of us in the audience. Many many thanks to everyone, you were fabulous.
Jay K. Brindo,

The Summer of Love Concert has sold out the Count Basie Theatre for 7 years straight. Glen Burtnik and his cast of 14+ singers, rhythm section, horns and strings are masters of interpretation, paying these iconic songs their due respect while bringing to the audience an energy and passion that the original performers would surely be proud of. The band comes ready to work, they hit the gas for 2+ hours of rock ‘n roll and leave nothing in the tank. We look forward to continuing this ride with the Summer of Love Concert for many years to come.
Izzy Sackowitz, Vice President,Count Basie Theatre

The Summer of Love Concert Experience was nothing short of amazing. The joy from the stage was infectious. In all my years of booking concerts, none has caused a more emphatically enthusiastic response. It was off the charts!
Bill Deasy,County of Allegheny Office of Special Events

Thank you, Glen & Tony and everyone with the Summer of Love Concert, you put on an amazing show.
Jerry Ust,The Sayreville Recreation Dept.

Time stood still at last night's concert…..Thanks so much....We had a fab time!
Mark and Joan Lipman,Red Bank, NJ

Glen Burtnik and friends kicked off this groovy "love fest" with over two solid hours of hits from the Woodstock era of rock...truth be told, everyone should be applauded for their stellar contributions.
John Pfeiffer, Staff Writer,Aquarian Weekly

The Summer of Love Concert, led by Glen Burtnik along with his incredible Summer of Love Experience, was, for me, one of the highlights of this year’s concert going experience…..and........I go to a LOT of shows.
Jean Mikle, Senior Special Projects Writer & Rhythm Room blogger,Asbury Park Press

Glen Burtnik’s Summer of Love Concert, a tribute to the music of the Woodstock Generation packed more astounding talent onto my stage than any other single performance during the entire 2012/2013 season. The dead-on recreations of so many great artists –Crosby Stills and Nash, Grace Slick, Janis Joplin, Otis Redding, and Richie Havens, among others, brought so many requests from patrons to bring it back to the Shea Center, I was prompted to book Summer of Love again for next year. The feedback was tremendous and unanimous. The show is a winner!
Jane Stein, Executive Director University Performing Arts,William Paterson University

Wow! What a show Glen and friends put on last night! My sister and I had so much fun at last year's concert, I returned this year with four more people, all of whom were just as blown away by the show. Next year, I'll be be back with a much larger crowd. The Summer of Love Concert is, hands down, the best concert experience I've ever had. The joy the performers experience on stage is a high for the audience. Each vocalist just blew me away…I loved their performances and how they drew the audience in to be in the moment with them. Joey is incredible on the drums! Everyone was amazing and spending the evening singing along with all the fabulous songs from my youth was a blast. You all deserved every standing “O” (13 to be exact) you received. Thanks so much for putting on such a fun and fabulous show that created an unforgettable memory for me, my sisters and friends. We all can't wait to experience The Summer of Love Concert again!
A very appreciative fan,Karin Dubowick,North Haldon, NJ

Our audience raved about the concert during the show, walking out of the theatre and even phone calls on our voice mail this weekend! What a treat they received Saturday night. This group is not only talented but they put soul into each piece they performed. Every aspect of the concert was amazing from the energetic soloists, the musicians, what talent, the backup singers, strong and beautiful and the incredible video and lighting just pushed the concert over the top. The guys playing the horns looked like they were having so much fun dancing together you couldn’t help yourself but smile when they played. This concert is definitely a do again!
Cathy Levesque - Executive Director/CEO,Stadium Theatre Performing Arts Centre

The energy with each performer actually had a texture!! You could feel it!! It was a joy to watch each one have fun!! It allowed the audience to step out of the worries of life and be transported to a place of fun, joy and good times for 3 hours. Just great!! Already plans to return as well!! Many people were saying the same thing as they walked to the parking lot. Fabulous show!!! Just Fabulous!!
Susan Kerrigan - Audience Member,Wilmington, Delaware

Everyone loved the event! The music was just amazing, the singers were fantastic, the variety was perfect and the dance floor was packed! Dean (Gladden), our Managing Director, had a great evening and was beaming with pride because he found The Summer of Love Concert.
Laura Woods - Director of Special Events,Alley Theatre's 'Peace, Love and Rock'n Roll Gala